Em Dezembro de 2020, fui convidado pelo artista wapichana Gustavo Caboco para filmar e fotografar sua performance que faz parte da série Exigências da Mata. Na série Gustavo trabalha a importância da erva-mate reverenciando a memória desta planta indígena e os caminhos que ela percorreu. A obra faz parte da exposição Eu Memória, Eu Floresta: História Oculta no Museu Paranaense, por tempo indeterminado.
In December 2020, I was invited by Wapichana artist Gustavo Caboco to film and photograph his performance, which is part of the series Exigências da Mata. In the series Gustavo works on the importance of yerba mate revering the memory of this indigenous plant and the paths it has traveled. The works were part of the exhibition Eu Memória, Eu Floresta: História Oculta at Paraná Museum.
In December 2020, I was invited by Wapichana artist Gustavo Caboco to film and photograph his performance, which is part of the series Exigências da Mata. In the series Gustavo works on the importance of yerba mate revering the memory of this indigenous plant and the paths it has traveled. The works were part of the exhibition Eu Memória, Eu Floresta: História Oculta at Paraná Museum.