Trabalhei com a artista Isa Lanave durante alguns meses de 2020 e 2021 no processo de edição do seu fotolivro Leve a Sério o Que Ela Diz, publicado em 2022 pela editora Lovely House.
Todas as fotos do livro são do Ricardo Tokugawa.
I worked with artist Isa Lanave for a few months in 2021 in the process of editing her photobook Take Her Seriously, published in 2022 by Lovely House.
All book photos are by Ricardo Tokugawa.
Todas as fotos do livro são do Ricardo Tokugawa.
I worked with artist Isa Lanave for a few months in 2021 in the process of editing her photobook Take Her Seriously, published in 2022 by Lovely House.
All book photos are by Ricardo Tokugawa.

Meu trabalho foi contribuir para o pensamento da Isa na construção da sequência narrativa do livro. Apresentei pra ela algumas referências de livros que trabalharam com cartas e textos, propus exercícios de edição e criei provocações em relação à criação de novas imagens para compor o trabalho.
My job was to contribute to Isa's thinking in the construction of the narrative sequence of the book. I presented her with some references from books that worked with letters and texts, proposed editing exercises and created provocations in relation to the creation of new images to compose the work.
My job was to contribute to Isa's thinking in the construction of the narrative sequence of the book. I presented her with some references from books that worked with letters and texts, proposed editing exercises and created provocations in relation to the creation of new images to compose the work.