Fotos do cardápio e dos processos da padaria de fermentação natural LOCAL Pães e Cafés, que trabalha de maneira atenciosa com cada item do seu cardápio, através de muitos estudos e práticas com os alimentos que são servidos. Da escolha dos ingredientes orgânicos ao preparo diário para servir seus clientes, a LOCAL estabelece relações minunciosas e afetivas com as famílias que fornecem seus insumos, e o melhor exemplo disso é a farinha orgânica que é fornecida pela Orgânicos Paulínea, um moinho ecológico de Marechal Candido Rondon no Oeste do estado do Paraná.
Photos of the menu and processes of the natural fermentation bakery LOCAL Breads and Cafes, which works in an attentive way with each item on its menu, through many studies and practices with the food that is served. From the choice of organic ingredients to the daily preparation to serve its customers, LOCAL establishes thorough and affective relationships with the families that provide its inputs, and the best example of this is the organic flour that is supplied by Orgânicos Paulínea, an ecological mill in Marechal Candido Rondon in the west of the state of Paraná.
Photos of the menu and processes of the natural fermentation bakery LOCAL Breads and Cafes, which works in an attentive way with each item on its menu, through many studies and practices with the food that is served. From the choice of organic ingredients to the daily preparation to serve its customers, LOCAL establishes thorough and affective relationships with the families that provide its inputs, and the best example of this is the organic flour that is supplied by Orgânicos Paulínea, an ecological mill in Marechal Candido Rondon in the west of the state of Paraná.