Fotos para a campanha Re-contato do Museu Paranaense, um museu que promove ações ligadas à pesquisa científica, antropológica e artística. Um museu que pulsa vida na sua programação e segue atento aos debates contemporâneos. Conceito e direção: Richard Romanini e Biba Bettega - Museu Paranaense
Modelos: Laremi Paixão, Leonardo da Cruz e Marco Novack.
Photos for the Re-contact campaign of the Museu Paranaense, a museum that promotes actions related to scientific, anthropological and artistic research. A museum that pulsates life in its programming and remains attentive to contemporary debates.
Concept and direction: Richard Romanini and Biba Bettega - Museu Paranaense
Models: Laremi Paixão, Leonardo da Cruz and Marco Novack.
Modelos: Laremi Paixão, Leonardo da Cruz e Marco Novack.
Photos for the Re-contact campaign of the Museu Paranaense, a museum that promotes actions related to scientific, anthropological and artistic research. A museum that pulsates life in its programming and remains attentive to contemporary debates.
Concept and direction: Richard Romanini and Biba Bettega - Museu Paranaense
Models: Laremi Paixão, Leonardo da Cruz and Marco Novack.

Em 1915, a poeta americana Hilda Dootlittle publicou "The Pool", um pequeno poema de cinco linhas. Sem ritmo, sem rimas, sem métricas regulares. Mas essa pequena construção propõe imagens fortes que remetem a uma história sobre contato. Um contato entre as pessoas? Entre pessoas e animais? Múltiplas podem ser as interpretações em "The Pool". Foi pensando na atmosfera inspirada no poema que fui convidado pelo Museu do Paranaense para fazer a nova campanha de comunicação, intitulada "Re-contato".
In 1915, the American poet Hilda Dootlittle published "The Pool", a short five-line poem. No rhythm, no rhymes, no regular metrics. But this small construction proposes strong images that refer to a story about contact. A contact between people? Between people and animals? Multiple scans can be the interpretations in "The Pool". It was thinking about the atmosphere inspired by the poem that the Paraná Museum with the artist Walter Thoms launch the new communication campaign, entitled "Re-contact".
In 1915, the American poet Hilda Dootlittle published "The Pool", a short five-line poem. No rhythm, no rhymes, no regular metrics. But this small construction proposes strong images that refer to a story about contact. A contact between people? Between people and animals? Multiple scans can be the interpretations in "The Pool". It was thinking about the atmosphere inspired by the poem that the Paraná Museum with the artist Walter Thoms launch the new communication campaign, entitled "Re-contact".
The Pool
By H. D.
Are you alive?
I touch you.
You quiver like a sea-fish.
I cover you with my net.
What are you—banded one?