Quando a angústia por viver em meio à cidade brota do âmago da alma, a tormenta é inevitável. Em perfeito estado de lucidez, o mais sensato é sempre atender ao chamado da montanha. O Pico Paraná, reconhecido através de filmes redscale, torna-se então um espaço onde a imaginação pode fluir sem represálias.
Essa série foi desenvolvida entre 2012 e 2013, selecionada para fazer parte da segunda edição do fotolivro Imaginário Cromático.
When the anguish of living in the middle of the city springs from the core of the soul, the storm is inevitable. In perfect state of lucidity, the most sensible is always to answer the mountain's call. Pico Paraná, recognized through redscale films, then becomes a space where imagination can flow without reprisals. This series was developed between 2012 and 2013, selected to be part of the second edition of the photobook Chromatic Imaginary.
Essa série foi desenvolvida entre 2012 e 2013, selecionada para fazer parte da segunda edição do fotolivro Imaginário Cromático.
When the anguish of living in the middle of the city springs from the core of the soul, the storm is inevitable. In perfect state of lucidity, the most sensible is always to answer the mountain's call. Pico Paraná, recognized through redscale films, then becomes a space where imagination can flow without reprisals. This series was developed between 2012 and 2013, selected to be part of the second edition of the photobook Chromatic Imaginary.
Em o Chamado da Montanha, Walter Thoms apresenta uma série de paisagens impregnadas de tons terrosos e quentes com grandes planos abertos onde o indivíduo parece não ter mais espaço ou importância e onde o espaço existe para sublimação e contemplação. Sem sombra de dúvida sua proposição imagética transcende em espiritualidade.
In The Mountain's Call, Walter Thoms presents a series of landscapes impregnated with earthy and hot tones with big open shots where the individual doesn't seem to have space or significance and where the space is used for sublimation and comtemplation. Undoubtedly, his imagetic proposal transcends in spirituality.
In The Mountain's Call, Walter Thoms presents a series of landscapes impregnated with earthy and hot tones with big open shots where the individual doesn't seem to have space or significance and where the space is used for sublimation and comtemplation. Undoubtedly, his imagetic proposal transcends in spirituality.
A segunda edição do Imaginário Cromático, realizado por Kinoarte e Leste conta com a participação de Baltazar Grapho, Cao Guimarães, Fátima Savignon, Fernanda Branco, Fernando Souza, Gui Mohallem, José Juliani, Isabela Figueiredo, Lis Peronti & Natalia Turini, Louisa Savignon, Uriá Fassina e Walter Thoms.
The second edition of Imaginary Chromatic, was carried out by Kinoarte and Leste with the participation of Baltazar Grapho, Cao Guimarães, Fátima Savignon, Fernanda Branco, Fernando Souza, Gui Mohallem, José Juliani, Isabela Figueiredo, Lis Peronti & Natalia Turini, Louisa Savignon, Uriá Fassina and Walter Thoms.
The second edition of Imaginary Chromatic, was carried out by Kinoarte and Leste with the participation of Baltazar Grapho, Cao Guimarães, Fátima Savignon, Fernanda Branco, Fernando Souza, Gui Mohallem, José Juliani, Isabela Figueiredo, Lis Peronti & Natalia Turini, Louisa Savignon, Uriá Fassina and Walter Thoms.